Friday, March 4, 2011

The week of ups and downs

Ever have one of those weeks when everything goes great on Monday, then your entire world comes crashing down on Tuesday? This week was one of those. Disturbing phone calls, text messages from one of the things I hate took place on Tuesday and prevented me from sleeping, getting about 3 hours if that, and becoming a walking zombie at work on Wednesday. I finally got myself back together with tons of sleep on Thursday night, when Friday morning I get to work and get yet again another disturbing text message which led me to fall apart at my desk, in my office, and unable to work for a few hours. Needless to say, I was having the most PHENOMENAL Friday until then and in a wonderful mood. After I finally was able to stop "watering" my desk and everything around it, I was then completely drained emotionally and mentally and was happy to say that my week was not only ruined once, but twice by the same person in one week. Awesome. Anyways.....on to the list!

Things I Hate
People who bring me down (especially through phone calls or text messages)
That I care what people think about me and that I'm not strong enough yet to just ignore it
Feeling alone no matter how many people I am surrounded by
Being ignored

Things I love
Pigtails of all kinds and how they make me look and feel like a five-year-old
Five-year-old feel good Fridays (when they are fully feel good and not just so-so)
March Madness (its almost officially here!!)
Netflix, Netflix, Netflix
When my hair is anything but straight
My star-covered high tops
My best friend and dog Brady